Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Thinker

My daughter says I think too much.
She says that because of that, I'm reluctant to post.
Even when there are things I want to, need to, write about.

What should I say?
Does this sound silly?
Did I use the correct grammar?
Is this too personal?
Will anyone be offended?
Should I?
Dare I?

She's right, you know.


  1. Say what you FEEL.

    No. It won't sound silly if it's real and true. (And even if it does, it'll be because we have felt it too and we know we're silly. All of us.)

    Grammar? Do you see anyone with a bun on her head and a red pencil in her hand? THERE IS NO PERMANENT RECORD!

    Only you can determine if it's too personal. I doubt you'd err on that side, though.

    If someone is offended, that's their business and not your problem.

    Yes. You probably should, especially if you NEED to.

    Again-only you can know if you dare. Believe me, no matter what you write, the earth will probably continue to orbit the sun.

    I've missed you, Ms. Shug.

    1. I love you, Sister Moon. Please keep encouraging my talented mother to write. She's amazing.

  2. Write on! No one is judging; and from your previous entries I've read, you are extremely interesting and entertaining ~ your first kiss, first airplane ride, and stockings posts all took me back to a nostalgic time in my life I may not have ever thought about again. That is good stuff!

    1. Thanks for giving my mama a nudge. It is good stuff!!!

  3. I have been walking on a very similar thinkrope (silly wordplay... tightrope/thinkrope, will everyone think it's stupid... hmmm... probably) since 1997, when I created my first "home" page on the web. I deeply empathize with that "overthinking" and "overquestioning" state of mind. Nonetheless, I am still convinced that writing is always better than the alternative.

    The hardest question for me is the "Is this too personal?". Based on my own experience and to echo what Ms. Moon said, nobody can decide this for us. What I find especially frustrating at times is the fact that it is precisely the most personal and painful things that form the foundation of my philosophy of life, shape my worldview and give rise to my best writing. To hide these things means to be dishonest and superficial, not true to my own self, which makes the writing entirely meaningless.

    As a way to coax more posts from you, since I would love to read many more of them, I will just point out that even if the answers to all of your above posted questions are less than satisfactory to you, at least you don't have to worry about ending up with a mountain of debt and no job after medical school because a program director found this blog and didn't like writing. :)

    Sorry, I completely hijacked the comments. I think the only way to stop me from making post-length comments is for you to write new posts. ;)
